예전에 한번 Maria DB에서 테스트로 사용했었던 핸들러 소켓
어느 멋진 DBA에 의해 아주 잠깐? 경험해보았다…
소켓으로 DB와 연결하고 고속의 입출력 기능을 지원해주는 뭐 그런 내용이었다…
물론 인메모리 정도까지는 아니더라도, RDB에 이런 기능이 있다는게 놀라웠다..오오 !
역시 마리아~~~~
나중에 기회가 된다면 써보시길, RDB 고속 입출력 handlersocket
HandlerSocket gives you direct access to InnoDB/XtraDB and SPIDER. It was included in MariaDB 5.3 as a ready-to use plugin.
HandlerSocket is a NoSQL plugin for MySQL/MariaDB. It works as a daemon inside the mysqld process, accepting TCP connections, and executing requests from clients. HandlerSocket does not support SQL queries. Instead, it supports simple CRUD operations on tables.
HandlerSocket can be much faster than mysqld/libmysql in some cases because it has lower CPU, disk, and network overhead:
- To lower CPU usage it does not parse SQL.
- Next, it batch-processes requests where possible, which further reduces CPU usage and lowers disk usage.
- Lastly, the client/server protocol is very compact compared to mysql/libmysql, which reduces network usage.